Community Calendar Submission Form
Spirit FM is happy to help get the word out about your community event. Here are a few requirements for our web calendar.
1. The event must be open to the public.
2. The event must not discriminate against any denomination.
3. The event must be submitted by a non-profit, like a church or community organization.
4. You must submit the event at least two weeks prior to the event date.
Download our full PSA Guidelines here.
To submit your event, fill out the form below. To avoid multiple entries, please only submit the form if you are the designated person from your organization. Do NOT write in all caps. Entries submitted in all caps will not be posted. Your form will be reviewed and posted as quickly as possible. There is a field at the bottom of the entry form for on-air submissions. Submission for both calendars is a one step process.
Remember to review the PSA Guidelines above BEFORE submitting your event.
Questions? Email: