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Undercover Boss

By Davis
Here's how it works, the owner of a big company goes undercover as a new employee...

Matthew 25:40

And the king will say to them in reply, 'Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.'


Have you ever seen the TV show Undercover Boss? Here's how it works, the owner of a big company goes undercover as a new employee in an entry level position at his own company, then he gets a feel for how his company is operating from the bottom up. Are his employees treated well? Do they work hard for the company to help make it profitable? Do they even like the owner? Sometimes the employees pass the test, sometimes not so much. I remember one episode where the person who was assigned to train the undercover boss kept talking about his family and the struggles they faced. Through the entire episode he kept telling the "new employee" how grateful he was for the opportunity to work for the company and encouraged the new guy to appreciate even the lowly position he was being trained for. At the end of the episode during the big reveal the boss ended up giving that employee a promotion and a raise. I think he even helped the his employee cover some medical expenses his family was struggling to pay. That episode gave me all the feels!


Our Gospel reading today is kind of like an episode of Undercover Boss. You can imagine how the people of God felt when it is revealed to them that they have been doing, or not doing, good things for God himself the entire time. I don't know about you but I want to be the guy who always treats people right, even if they never turn out to actually be the boss. But man is it hard sometimes. Especially when it comes to doing things for people outside my comfort zone. It's easy to care for and love our friends and family. But feeding the hungry and visiting people in prison? That is a little bit tougher. Today let's think about how we can step out of our comfort zone and see where we can minister to our brother.


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