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Step By Step Instructions

By Davis
Some of these Lego sets have hundreds of steps to complete the project...

Micah 6:8

You have been told, O mortal, what is good, and what the LORD requires of you: Only to do justice and to love goodness, and to walk humbly with your God.


The grandparents have been getting our boys some pretty complicated Lego sets lately. These things are amazing feats of engineering that even a five year old can complete. But there is one issue, the instructions must be followed exactly or there will be trouble. Some of these things have hundreds of steps to complete the project! Liam missed a step on one the other day and his grandmother had to undo about 49 steps to get him back on track. Fortunately everything came together in the end and everyone was happy.


Sometimes I feel like life is one of those complicated Lego sets. I just want some simple step by step instructions that will guide me through the process. In today's first reading God gives us those steps. Leading up to this revelation from Micah the Israelites had been given a pretty comprehensive list of things they needed to do to make God happy. God had given them instruction on every aspect of life and how to deal with it. Unfortunately they got caught up in the details of every action and forgot the spirit of what God wanted from them in the first place. So he sent Micah to take them back a few steps. Of course we all know that God had to send Jesus to take them back even further. How is your instruction manuel looking today? Do you need to be taken back a few steps to get into alignment with what God wants for your life? Take a moment today to reflect on these three simple steps to honor God.


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