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Be Productive and Rest!

By Davis
I recently attended a Dynamic Catholic event where I learned that 80% of the volunteer time at church is done by just over 7% of the people.

Genesis 2:2

On the seventh day God completed the work he had been doing; he rested on the seventh day from all the work he had undertaken.

I'm not sure I qualify as an overachiever. I wasn't a straight A student in school, I never excelled at any sport, and when I have a task to accomplish I always look for the most efficient way to complete it so that I can get it over with. Nonetheless I do find myself rushing from one thing to another, overbooked much of the time, and overall busy. I am pretty sure I saw a statistic somewhere that said Americans take less vacation time than any other nation. We are a nation of overachievers, yet recent research shows that America's productivity rate is at an all time low. Apparently "busy" does not equal "productive".

I think we can safely say the same applies to our spiritual life. I recently attended a Dynamic Catholic event where I learned that 80% of the volunteer time at church is done by just over 7% of the people. That means if you are active in your church more likely than not you are going to be overworked. Here is a question for all the overworked people out there: If the creator of the universe rested after the hard work of creation, what makes you think you don't need to rest? I'm not saying stop volunteering at church, but is it possible that you are staying so busy that you are missing out on something God has for you? Can He keep up? Does God have your attention? Kinda like Martha and Mary - Martha would surely have been in that 7%, but Jesus made it clear that overworking is not where he wants us to be. 


Take a moment to put life down and breathe, pray and rest! You might be surprised to find out that it is the most productive part of your entire day!

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