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Living Gospels

By Gustavo Facio
Are you living the Gospel or are you just reading it?

“Today this Scripture passage is fulfilled in your hearing.”

Luke 4:21


"Today this writing that you have just heard has been fulfilled.” How wonderful it would be if we could say all this phrase in our daily living. And it is that we are called to be living gospels, we are called to embody the Word of God in our lives. But many times, we settle for only memorizing some verses from the bible. Today we receive a reminder that we are called to be heralds of the Kingdom of God, but not only like the bells that make a lot of noise but cannot come down from their tower, No! Today we are being invited to be brave and take the word of God everywhere we go, even without using our words. How good it would be that at the end of the day we could say thanks to God for another day of life by saying: “Lord, today your Word has been fulfilled in me, today I was a living gospel for all those who crossed my path!”


Are you living the Gospel or are you just reading it?


Lord grant me the gift of being a living gospel to all those who cross my path.


Evangelios Vivientes


“Hoy mismo se ha cumplido este pasaje de la Escritura que acaban de oír”.

Lc 4,21


“Hoy se ha cumplido esta escritura que acaban de oír.” Que maravilloso seria que todos pudiéramos decir esta frase en nuestro diario vivir. Y es que estamos llamados a ser evangelios vivientes, estamos llamados a encarnar la palabra de Dios en nuestras vidas. Pero muchas veces nos conformamos con aprendernos de memoria algunos versos de la biblia. Hoy recibimos un recordatorio de que somos llamados a ser anunciadores del Reino de Dios, pero no solo como las campanas que hacen mucho ruido, pero no pueden bajar de su torre, ¡No! Hoy estamos siendo invitados a armarnos de valor y llevar la palabra de Dios a todos los lugares donde vallamos, aun sin usar nuestras palabras. ¡Qué bueno sería que al llegar la noche agradeciéramos a Dios por un día más de vida diciendo, “Señor, hoy se ha cumplido en mi tu Palabra, ¡hoy fui un evangelio viviente para todos aquellos que se cruzaron en mi camino!”


¿Estas viviendo el Evangelio o solo lo estas leyendo?


Señor concédeme que el don de ser un evangelio viviente para todos aquellos que se crucen en mi camino.


Today’s Reflection is by:



Gustavo Facio


Did you know…


Gustavo Facio Orozco is a member of the Pastoral Juvenil Hispana. He is a parishioner at Corpus Christi in Temple Terrace where he is a lector for the Spanish Mass. Gustavo is currently studying psychology at the University of South Florida. He loves reading, traveling, and grilling.

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