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Bravery is Within Us

By Vivi Iglesias
Today we celebrate the Memorial of the Dedication of the Basilicas of Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles...

"At once Jesus spoke to them, 'Take courage, it is I; do not be afraid.' Peter said to him in reply, 'Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water.' He said, 'Come."

Matthew 14:27-29 from the Readings for the Optional Memorial of Dedication of the Basilicas of Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles


Today we celebrate the Memorial of the Dedication of the Basilicas of Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles. Thousands of pilgrims every day find their way to the Basilicas in Rome to pray for strength and graces as they move about in their journey, like the saints, trying to be vigorous defenders of the faith. Peter, a humble fisherman, the rock upon whom Jesus built his Church, and Paul, the reformer, a missionary to the gentiles, have shaped our church’s history, not by fear, but by courage and conviction. With different qualities and experiences, their faith-journeys brought them both to die as martyrs for our church. It is hard to be brave and to show courage like they did, but for sure, bravery is within us. When we conquer doubt, we become strong and courageous, and with bravery we can show conviction, compassion, and strength in the Lord. To live the Gospel as the apostles did, we must go to Jesus, and be missionary disciples that courageously take the first step to encounter others, even when the storm is nearby. I have no doubt that the Lord will be there to calm the waters if we are willing to trust and have faith in Him.

What fears do you have? Can Jesus calm those fears?


Lord, send your Holy Spirit upon us, help us to conquer fear and guide us as we become strong and courageous in faith.  Amen.


La valentía está dentro de todos nosotros

"Pero Jesús les dijo enseguida: "Tranquilícense y no teman. Soy yo". Entonces le dijo Pedro: "Señor, si eres tú, mándame ir a ti caminando sobre el agua". Jesús le contestó: ""Ven""


Mateo 14, 27-29


Hoy celebramos el Memorial de la Dedicación de las Basílicas de los Santos Pedro y Pablo, Apóstoles. Miles de peregrinos cada día se dirigen a las Basílicas de Roma para rezar por fuerza y bendiciones para su camino, y así como los santos, ser poderosos defensores de la fe. Pedro, un humilde pescador, la roca sobre la cual Jesús construyó su Iglesia, y Pablo, el reformador, un misionero de los gentiles, han moldeado la historia de nuestra iglesia, no con miedo sino con coraje y convicción. Con diferentes cualidades y experiencias, su camino de fe los llevó a ambos a morir como mártires por nuestra iglesia. Es difícil ser valiente y demostrar valentía como lo hicieron ellos. Pero les aseguro que la valentía está dentro de todos nosotros. Cuando vencemos la incertidumbre, nos volvemos fuertes y valientes, y con mostramos convicción, compasión y fortaleza en el Señor. Para vivir el Evangelio como lo hicieron los apóstoles, debemos acercarnos a Jesús y ser discípulos misioneros que dan el primer paso con valor para encontrarse con los demás, incluso cuando la tormenta este cerca. No tengo ninguna duda de que el Señor estará allí para calmar las aguas si estamos dispuestos a confiar y tener fe en Él.


¿Qué miedos tienes? ¿Puede Jesús calmar esos miedos?


Señor, envía tu Espíritu Santo sobre nosotros, ayúdanos a vencer el miedo y guíanos mientras nos volvemos fuertes y valientes en la fe. Amén.


Today's Reflection is by:

Vivi Iglesias


Did you know...


Vivi Iglesias is the National Advisor for Partnerships for Catholic Relief Services (CRS). A theologian, public speaker, and writer, Vivi serves as Region XIV Chair for the V Encuentro Process of Hispanic Ministry and is a lay member of the Bishop’s Board of Directors of the US Catholic Bishops Southeast Regional Office for Hispanic Ministry (SEPI). A native of Argentina, she is a wife, mother, and proud grandmother. Her experience includes almost 19 years of work with the Diocese of St. Petersburg, first in the Diocesan Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry, later as Executive Secretary to the Bishop for almost eleven years, and finally as Associate Director of Hispanic Ministry.

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