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Jesus Will Provide

By Bishop Gregory Parkes
In Sunday's Gospel reading from John, chapter 6, we find Jesus with His disciples being followed by thousands of people who are looking for healing and hope...

"So the men reclined, about five thousand in number. Then Jesus took the loaves, gave thanks, and distributed them to those who were reclining, and also as much of the fish as they wanted." – John 6:10-11

In Sunday's Gospel reading from John, chapter 6, we find Jesus with His disciples being followed by thousands of people who are looking for healing and hope. Jesus asks Phillip how they were going to feed the multitudes, fully knowing that Phillip would not have the answer. But Andrew and others found a boy who gave what he had to the disciples.  Human nature and experience say that five loaves and two fish would not feed 5000. But Jesus blessed the food, gave thanks, and distributed it. It was so much that they collected leftovers, a true miracle indeed.


Many in the crowd were probably asked to contribute. Anyone could have given what they had, but it was a young boy who gave all he had for the cause. He saw the need, and in his childlike way, understood. How often do we as adults hold back on our support for causes? Do we have a mentality of scarcity or of abundance? No matter how much or little we have, Jesus can do much with little if we faith in him. He used this opportunity to teach the people that if they trust in Him, He will provide and then some. Jesus took the little they had and multiplied it such that all were satisfied. 


All of us have gifts and talents that we can give to the glory of God, for the people of God. We may think, "my little gift is insignificant and doesn't mean much." But it does in so many ways. Your donations to the local church pantry or Catholic Charities or St. Vincent de Paul feeds many. We witnessed the generosity of many during this pandemic - when people who had little food were blessed with food due to the generosity of others. When you have nothing, and someone gives you clothes, cans of food for your family to eat for a week, and transportation to work, that really means something to those less fortunate than ourselves. 


Our churches receive calls every week from people who are on the fringes, the peripheries, one week away from being homeless, and barely hanging on. Next time you come to church, why not bring something to give thanks to God and to help someone else—a bag of food or a charitable contribution to your parish. By doing so you are Courageously Living the Gospel! 


Today's Reflection from...


Bishop Gregory Parkes


Did you know...


Most Reverend Gregory L. Parkes is the fifth Bishop of St. Petersburg. Prior to his appointment to the Diocese of St. Petersburg, Bishop Parkes served as the fifth Bishop of the Diocese of Pensacola-Tallahassee from 2012-2016. He was ordained to the priesthood for the Diocese of Orlando on June 26, 1999. Before answering the call to the priesthood, Bishop Parkes worked for several years in Tampa's banking industry. 

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