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Shadows In The Valley

By John Morris
He's at the edge of the valley...

Psalm 23:4

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff comfort me.

Death is always near, for some closer than for others.  As I've grown older, I think about death a lot more than I used to.  I wonder about my family and what life will be like when I'm not on the earth anymore.  I recall when my dad was dying, I got a call from the doctor.  I asked how bad the situation was.  The doctor's reply, "Well he's at the edge of the valley.  You need to come quickly."  That was as chilling to me as it could be.  I knew what he meant, because I'd heard the 23rd Psalm many times, especially at funerals.  It's supposed to bring comfort and does, but for me it takes on a different meaning. I always seem to focus on the first line of this verse, but I should focus on the last few words. 

Today is the Commemoration of the Faithful Departed, or All Souls Day.  We pray for those who have gone to their eternal reward and ask them to pray for us that we can soon join them in heaven.  All of us know someone who as passed on.  We also know those who are sick, some with chronic or life threatening illness.  Some are alone in a nursing home or in hospice at the twilight of their life.  Ask the Lord to give you comfort and peace during those times that are difficult. Pray for those that are sick and alone, and ask God to give them peace and comfort as well.

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